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Elevate-Education-Services's Shop

We are education specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field across multiple roles: Early Years Leader, SENCo, Curriculum Leader, ECT facilitator, Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher. Our particular specialisms are in the fields of Early Years, SEND, Communication & Language, Safeguarding, Trauma and Mental Health & Wellbeing. We are passionate about raising standards by overcoming barriers.

We are education specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field across multiple roles: Early Years Leader, SENCo, Curriculum Leader, ECT facilitator, Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher. Our particular specialisms are in the fields of Early Years, SEND, Communication & Language, Safeguarding, Trauma and Mental Health & Wellbeing. We are passionate about raising standards by overcoming barriers.
Neuroaffirming Language Poster

Neuroaffirming Language Poster

This poster supports people to communicate in a neuroaffirming manner and use language which is supportive and celebratory of neurodivergence. Share this poster to ensure more people communicate in a neuroaffirming and accepting manner.
Communication Passport

Communication Passport

A communication passport details an overview of an individual’s likes, dislikes and how they communicate. It is a supportive tool so that anyone who comes into contact with the individual knows how best to communicate with them. It is advisable to carry a copy of a communication passport in case of emergency. This resource should be created collaboratively with the individual and their family.
Home School Transition Booklet

Home School Transition Booklet

This resource provides a template to support children with a new school transition. This resource is intended to be personalised with real life images of the routine. For example, if the child goes by car to school, putting an image of the car they travel in to school. This resource also includes blank pages to be personalised to the child’s own routine. This resource is intended to be used by home and school, but will include collaboration between both to complete in order to ensure the smoothest transition for the child.
Objects of Reference

Objects of Reference

Objects of reference are a valuable tool in supporting children in the early stages of their speech, language and communication development. Objects of reference are the first stage of supporting children with their understanding of routines and developing their ability to request. When using objects of reference it is important to ensure consistency across all practitioners working with the child, including family at home This resource supports practitioners to identify the best object to use as a reference point and define the language that is to be used.
SEMH Recognition & Target Board

SEMH Recognition & Target Board

This is to be used for pupils who may have social and emotional difficulties. This resource is particularly powerful for children who have low self esteem and are self-demeaning. How to use: This board is to be updated daily by the child and co-constructed with an adult whom the child has a good relationship with.
Visual Mapping

Visual Mapping

Visual mapping strategies are a method of strengthening vocabulary and memory. Visual mapping is a way of supporting children to improve their long term memory. It helps both the encoding and retrieval aspects of memory. Visual mapping allows the child to make meaning of words they encounter, whilst making connections to other concepts to support retrieval of information.
Communication Dictionary

Communication Dictionary

The communication dictionary is a supportive tool for children who have complex speech and language needs. It enables practitioners to observe and unpick behaviours, identifying what the child is trying to communicate through their behaviour. It is important there is consistency in how all practitioners interpret behaviours.
Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation

This resource is useful to support children in understanding and labelling their emotions. It also supports children to categorise emotions which are positive and those which are negative. How to use: This resource is to be used regularly and frequently with children in order for them to recognise and label their emotions. For a child who finds it difficult to recognise emotions in themselves and others, it can require overt adult modelling of labelling emotions in order to enable them to be able to do it themselves.
5 Point Scale

5 Point Scale

This resource is useful to support children in understanding their emotions, recognising how they and others can help them when they feel a certain way. How to use: This resource is to be used one to one with an adult supporting the child to understand and recognise their emotions.
Child friendly provision to meet need template

Child friendly provision to meet need template

This template is a great child friendly way for children to be aware of and discuss the provision they need to be able to access their learning. A key focus of effective SEND provision is that children can voice their thoughts and opinions on what they need to be able to access learning opportunities. This tool enables children to do just that through the use of visuals.
Provision to Meet Need Template

Provision to Meet Need Template

This document is designed to be used for children with an SEND support plan or with an EHCP. It outlines the long term outcomes for the child along with the provision to meet need detailed within their documentation. The provision to meet need is categorised into the four broad areas of need as stated in the SEND Code of Practice. This document is a supportive tool to enable teachers and classroom staff to be more knowledgeable and informed about what needs to be in place for individual children, whilst enabling the SENCo/Senior Leaders to monitor the implementation of the named provision.
Emotion Coaching Lanyards

Emotion Coaching Lanyards

Emotion Coaching is a relational approach to internal emotional regulation. Emotion coaching was identified by Gottman after observing different styles that parents used to support children with their emotions and seeing which was most effective in support regulation The lanyards are to be worn by practitioners as a supportive tool when communicating with a child who is displaying emotional dysregulation. The steps need to be followed chronologically. The sentence stems provided are a guide.
Sensory Circuit Pack

Sensory Circuit Pack

Sensory circuits are a sequence of activities which are purposefully designed to alert, organise and calm an individual. Sensory circuits are implemented based on research into sensory processing and sensory integration. The aim of the sensory circuit is to allow sensory processing to enable the child to organise their senses and provide the optimum level of alertness in order to be ready to engage and learn. It is important that the sensory circuit is completed in the correct sequence of alert, organise and then calm. In this pack you receive all of the steps you need to successfully implement sensory circuits.
Daily Task Planner Resource Pack

Daily Task Planner Resource Pack

This resource pack comes with 9 different templates for visual daily task planners. These are to be used to support children with a visual to map out their daily routine and timetable. There are 3 different themes and 3 different structures to the timetable. Please use the structure which is most suitable for your child. They are in a progressive structure: Now and Next daily planner Sequencing several events daily planner Whole day daily planner
School Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

School Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

Here are a variety of visual timetable symbols to be used in a school or learning environment. For home based visual symbols, please see the Home Visual Timetable Log Slices. For information on how to use visual supports effectively, see the Use of Visual Supports document.
Now & Next Lanyard Symbols

Now & Next Lanyard Symbols

These ready to go lanyard now and next boards are perfect for supporting children whilst on the go. Traditional now and next boards require the child to return to their workstation/specified area to check and amend the now and next board. These ready to go lanyard now and next boards enable you to support a child using visual strategies wherever you are!
Home Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

Home Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

Here are a variety of visual timetable symbols to be used in a home environment. For school based visual symbols, please see the School Visual Timetable Log Slices. For information on how to use visual supports effectively, see the Use of Visual Supports document.
Relational Approach to Behaviour Management Guide

Relational Approach to Behaviour Management Guide

This guide provides relational approaches to managing behaviour. Within the guide there is understanding of why children can display challenging behaviour, including what research and cognitive science say. It also includes practical approaches to implement. It also provides useful templates to support the child in reflecting upon their behaviour, but also to support the adult dealing with the behaviour to reflect upon their actions. This guide is jampacked with useful strategies to implement into every day practice and support adult’s understanding of why children display such behaviours.
Workstation Velcro Busy Book Activity Pack

Workstation Velcro Busy Book Activity Pack

This resource provides a range of different activities relating to academic learning and development as well as supporting speech, language and communication needs through the use of signs. This activity pack contains 17 pages of activities for children to complete.